369 method

We structure minds and create spaces

We have created 369 Method® to form The Mind of The Future. This The Metamorphoses® method is based on a 2 year empirical research within the fields of system thinking and human development. The 369 Method® is created as a dynamic sequence of levels where we can add and detach elements from one mind structure into another Creating a clean mental structure that is resistant to fear of change and receptive to responsibility. The Mind transformation within the 369 Method® happens on 3 interconnected levels:

  1. Logical level ensures clarity, personal truth and confidence; 

  2. Emotional level evokes empowerment, success and intuition;

  3. Sensory level adds a sense of relief, peace and universal love.

The 3 levels form the new 369 Mind Design® that is representing the levels of transformation of a human mind into a new structure. Such mental structure allows human beings to stay to the purpose in rapidly changing environments. Resulting into human beings with clear and peaceful minds that are built on solid foundations -navigating through life with a philosophy of the human of the future. Enabling The Metamorphoses® making people human again in an accessible and accelerated way. 

The human of the future has the ability to think using knowledge and act using wisdom

369 Mind Design


 963 method


〰️ Coming online in 2025

〰️ Coming online in 2025


In higher planes, success does not work without a philosophy. Clients that have benefited from The Metamorphoses® Methods  are professional athletes, business owners, private investors, venture capitalists and creative entrepreneurs. Their main common trait is that they are the architects of their own life. If you seek to give your success a meaning, you are seeking to build a full life that is founded on your principles. The Metamorphoses® is the place of power you seek.